Thursday, February 18, 2010

Play Ball!

60 members and nonmembers joined together to hear about the new Lake County Fielders semi-pro baseball team's upcoming season. The new team is owned by the famous actor Kevin Costner. They are currently constructing the $15 million facility in Zion and are out in the community making sure everyone knows about this exciting new team. Some might ask what a new baseball team has to do with a chamber of commerce. The answer is marketing. The team offers a local opportunity to advertise and market your business to an expected 300,000 attendees for the season. Some businesses may choose to use the team's proximity to conduct client appreciation events at the ballpark, while others may use the many opportunities to advertise in the programs or on the stadium itself.
As a chamber, we want to provide our members with as many options to promote your business as possible. Maybe the Lake County Fielders can be an opportunity for your business.
As always, don't forget to check out to keep up to date on our upcoming events.

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